Tuesday 22 August 2017

Transcription Of Nucleic Acid

Assalammulaikum and a very good day to everyone. I hope all the readers in a pink for today. Today, I would like to share about the next stage of nucleic acid which is transcription. Before this, we will discuss about the DNA, RNA and DNA replication. 

So, what is transcription of nucleic acid? Transcription is the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA (especially mRNA) by the enzyme RNA polymerase. The mechanisms by which information is transferred in the cell is based on the "Central Dogma"

There are two keywords that we must know in this process. First is CODING STRAND and TEMPLATE STRAND.

  • Coding Strand : The DNA strand of a DNA molecule which has the same base sequences as the RNA transcript. For the RNA strand, T is replaced to U. 
  • Template Strand : The DNA strand of a DNA molecule that is used as a template for RNA synthesis.

For the example, the coding strand of a DNA contains bases 5'-TAGGCA-3'. So that, the template strand of the DNA is 3'-ATCCGT-5'. How about the mRNA strand? Hmm. The mRNA strand is 5'-UAGGCA-3'.

Okay guys. It all for today. I hope my information will help you all to discover about the nucleic acid. Thank You.

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